

Ever wondered why when you think of somebody they telephone you or you see them? The mind is thought, thought is energy, and energy flows where thought goes. Thought creates!

This can work to your advantage or to your detriment! Ever heard a motorcycle and thought, “I have not paid my water bill, I hope that is not the waterman coming to disconnect my water.” If you put the “fear” vibration into that thought, it is guaranteed he is coming to stop right at your gate and cut off your water! Magic? No, you see, we are all very “educated” in the “fear” vibration. Whilst growing up in certain homesteads they instilled fear in us to get one to obey. This is also a common practice in the schools in my country currently as it was in the past. (Eswatini)

However, when you feel the energies of someone you love, someone special, you wallow in the contentment of the thought of the person, that person phones you or you see them. Thought with the right emotion or vibration brings forth what you want. If you think of something and don’t quite feel good, say you are desperate because you want it badly, you are not tapping into the flow, you are out of alignment with what you are asking for. When you become desperate you take decisions with dire consequences.

From today become “conscious”

From today become “conscious” of what you feel when you are around people or when you are in spaces, for if you can remember the feeling, you can bring forth the experience you seek at whim. If you are ill and cannot stop thinking about your illness, your mind constantly recreates that sick feeling, therefore you do not heal. If you can get involved in something and take your mind off your illness, feel good and enjoy what you are doing, you will recover. I have observed that people get “sick” because their immune systems are low because they are angry, stressed, miserable, etc.

Ever thought that negative thoughts which create discomfort also create illness? Well, they can. You cannot constantly be pumping negative thoughts into every cell in your body and expect to have a perfectly healthy body. Let me share with you one of my experiences.

When I was Deputy Sheriff Lubombo/Acting Deputy Sheriff Swaziland, I used to walk around fighting with the whole country, feeling so much anger and negative emotion. You see, I picked up the anger of the attorneys who picked it up from their unhappy clients and transmitted the same to me. I also believed that the angrier I appeared combined with the element of surprise, the more people would cooperate, out of fear! I was pompous, suffered from a superiority complex and would actually tell you to make an appointment to speak to me. The long and short of it is that a few years later I found myself with cancer. I had the operation, underwent the chemotherapy treatments and because I always felt so ill after the chemo I decided not to complete the treatment but requested that I be given time within which to recover.

During the recovery period, I resigned as Deputy Sheriff, started to change the way I looked at everything and everything changed. I stopped blaming everybody for where I was in life and took responsibility. I acknowledged and accepted that I had erred and not only forgave others but above all forgave myself. I stopped the mind because of my repetitive negative thoughts and I slowly started to deal with every aspect of my life that no longer served me. I stopped judging, stopped expecting people to do things for me; I removed pride and ego and learned to be humble. I “reversed” everything that had become “habitual” to me. I recreated myself as I wanted to be. I am today dis-ease free.

You too can heal yourself. You can overcome that TB/Blood Pressure/ Cholesterol/Obesity etc if you only stop limiting your beliefs and start to feel and believe that you will heal and you can change what persists currently. Start to enjoy an exercise routine – it need not be joining the gym. You just have to discipline yourself. Eat more vegetables and less starch. Avoid fast foods, fizzy drinks, and alcohol. Stop making excuses for why you cannot heal and start feeling and believing you can. Walk a little every day until you are strong enough to increase be it the time or the distance. Increase the pace. When we are ready for a change we stop making excuses – we only make excuses in an endeavor to convince ourselves.

Start to question all your beliefs and change those that have put you in the position you are in today. Stop being in denial. Stop resisting change. You can do it. You are powerful beyond your greatest imagination. You have God within you and with God all things are possible! God is not outside of you, it is my belief that God created man to feel Himself recreating Himself. So, always feel the highest feeling ever you had about who you are. Do not limit your experiences. Come out of the comfort zone and celebrate the wonder that you are always, but always ensuring that you do that which will be for your good and the good of all concerned. Let the question always be: Am I content with what I have achieved today? It is your life – LIVE IT WITHOUT LIMITS! Recognize that NOTHING IN YOUR LIFE will change UNLESS YOU DO!

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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