
60 Years

Today I celebrate my 60th birthday. I count my blessings. I have manifested my dreams and ambitions and have experienced life in all ways. I overcame a nervous breakdown and survived cancer. I continue to plan and still have lots to do. Many will say it is because one had an easy life. They do not know how can they know one’s journey? It is not theirs to know. Experience is the best teacher.

I look back and realize there are no mistakes in life.  Everything happens for a reason. One has to take responsibility and own any situation associated with one, for denial will not teach one anything.  Resistance will only worsen one’s emotions to a degree that one will feel powerless.  One should look at it without emotion for then one can come to an informed decision, without bias.  Work through any unsettling emotions for those sap one’s energy.  One should daily awaken feeling enthusiastic and vibrant.

It is important to stick to an exercise regime and to remain consistent in that practice. It is also imperative that whilst working out the mind merely focus on what one is doing so that thought is paused. In so doing one receives maximum benefit from the workout. Avoiding fast foods, alcoholic beverages, and fizzy drinks is a must if one recognizes that one only has one body in which to house one’s Soul and in which to live in, during this time in this space. Learn to face your fears, that way, fear loses all power over you. I challenge myself daily. I only compete with myself for I always have to be better than I was on the previous day.

Making excuses for not doing something is merely a tactic one adopts in an endeavor to justify and convince ones’ self that indeed there was nothing one could have done.  Seeking pity from others is a sign that one has not yet embraced a situation and as long as one stays in that mental state, one feels powerless. One can always create a shift in ones’ thoughts. It is a conscious choice one has to make.  One must learn to self-validate for that is what fuels one’s enthusiasm.  Once you self-validate, you know your worth, there is no desire to seek validation from others.  If anyone compliments you, although you are appreciative, it really just reassures you of the attributes you have expanded. 

I have realized that many are more experienced in certain areas of living but I have also learned that I have a choice.  I do not have to take every bit of advice extended to me. I can ponder over it, and decided whether I will choose to utilize it. After all, I have to be responsible for the choices I make in my life.  I always refer to it as “my life” so let me create it my way.  Irrespective of the age of a physical Being that Being has something to teach one.  My best lessons have come from minor children.  Most are old souls in new bodies. If someone does something I dislike, I ask myself why I noticed it. The answer is normally either I do it, or it is what I most dislike in myself! 

Many give too much worth to professional qualifications confirmed by certificates not realizing that experience and on-the-job-training are the best teachers.  Many very qualified persons cannot secure employment because they themselves feel they are not enough. Once you know your worth and your trade, you will not fear being tested thus proving the degree of your capabilities. It all depends on your self-confidence.

We all suffer insecurities.  I have worked through most of mine.  Whenever I think I have worked through them all, yet another crops up that I feel I need to work on. We may not be perfect, but we are whole. When people vocalize disapproval of another, they are actually informing us about themselves. Don’t let the opinion of others define who you are. Don’t even think about what has been said unless of course, you feel you need to make amends in certain of your habits. As long as one puts certain things in their minds in different compartments, one is restricted from fully experiencing life. One is not here to teach anybody anything. People will learn when they are ready.  

We have to become conscious of our thoughts for until we change our thoughts nothing in our lives will change.  We are the ones that have to find better feeling thoughts for any uncomfortable situation. As long as we feel uneasy, we must remember that at that instance we are out of the flow and we disempower ourselves, and we are resisting. When we permit the current to assist us on our path by having good feeling thoughts we achieve our dreams and ambitions effortlessly.  We must always be cognitive of the fact that nothing in our lives will ever change unless we do, for everything starts and ends with each of us.

I have learned that my attitude is the most important of all the traits. If I approach anything with the wrong attitude, I miss out on what could have been. I have therefore learned to ensure I always have the best attitude and approach be it towards others, work or play. Pride is a detrimental trait that must be eliminated!

People will only treat us as well as we treat them or as well as we treat ourselves, for we always attract what we are or what we already have. If we do not have wonderful uplifting vibrations, how do we expect to find others with such?  I have realized that every person I meet is a mirror of my own vibration.  I am now more than ever aware that people respond to energies, so when I get an indifferent answer I recognize that I have to work on me. After all, I am only in control of myself.  God allows, who would I be to want to control or restrict another?  Live and let live!

As all relationships are service, I realized that if that friendship/work relationship is not going well, I have not put enough effort into it for we always only get out what we put in; like farming if one does not take care of the crops how can one expect to harvest the best? I give freely because I can, not because I am expecting anything in return.  Things have to be done for the enjoyment and experience and not for instant reward.  Bank it, put in trust so that you can easily withdraw when the need arises.

I have learned never to anticipate the outcome in any given situation.  That way I never get disappointed.  I simply learn what I have to and continue to maintain the same enthusiasm with which I started.  Since I totally get engrossed whilst carrying out work I never expect assistance.  If I get assisted in any manner I become eternally grateful for I realize that no one ever has to do anything for me, if they do I wallow in the gratitude vibration.  Never forget that expectation inevitably leads to disappointment. Disappointment tends to make one feel drained if not worthless.

One only has one chance at any given moment to make others feel good, for people will forget many things, but they will never forget how one made them feel. In uplifting others we uplift ourselves.  Whatever we do for others returns to us a million fold.  So I have learned to stay in the moment and live the moment to its fullest and in so doing recognizing opportunities as and when they arise so that I can seize and run with them.  Numerous opportunities are missed by the masses for although they may be physically in a space, mentally and spiritually they are absent or they over think things resulting in they themselves talking themselves out of doing things which could have been life altering for them.  I do not procrastinate.  If something has to be done, I do it as soon as I possibly can even if I have to hype myself up for it, for tomorrow always brings its own excitement or challenges.  I must be free to explore those. 

We should never undermine our thoughts and ideas and should act upon those.  Since we are all unique we have a specific service to render to the universe and its inhabitants.  There is always something we can do to assist another in any given space. Help another if you can, you may be the only person who does that. Passion and enthusiasm create doors where only walls existed.  Stay inspired for when you are in that state you have so much energy and everything you do is done effortlessly and with enjoyment. 

I am still learning, growing, and enjoying the journey.  As I re-post this today, four years have passed since this article was published.  I pray it will assist you in some way. Do drop me a line if you found it insightful. I love interacting with my Readers. Thank you for reading my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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