

We all encounter resistance from one person or another and the tendency is to blame ourselves or even to start “judging” the person who is resisting. If when you encounter such resistance you “bring yourself back” to where you are, the house, the room, the street and “feel” your own energy, you will not pick up any negativity from the person resisting.

It is important too to take a long deep breath and to “listen” to the silence within oneself stopping any “chatter” that may tend to come up in our minds. It is important not to “allow” our energy to become depleted for if we do we will end up feeling drained and worthless. Nobody can affect you in any manner without you allowing it.

I found it imperative to mention this today as I was criticized by numerous people when I enquired on whether they had registered to vote. I found so many people were not prepared to register as they felt there was no hope of anything “changing” in the near future. I maintained my calm and simply informed them that it was important for us to get “involved” as we were all responsible for whatever situation we find ourselves in.

I wondered as I pondered over the numerous responses I had received, how anyone could complain especially if they themselves had elected to remain “silent” by not taking a moment to register to vote. This meant that they were in agreement with everything happening in the country because if they were not even if people paid them they would vote honest people who would look after the well-being of the nation by ensuring laws were put in place to uplift the nation. You see those who choose selfish, corrupt, pompous parliamentarians are accomplices in bringing down the Kingdom of Eswatini for newspapers are read on the net by the entire world! Those people there reflect the entire nation whether they got there through corrupt practices or not!

Perhaps from where I now am I see so many things totally different to when I was growing up. For instance, I no longer expect another to clean my street by picking up the papers, I now pick the papers up myself once weekly. That way I take responsibility for every aspect of every situation in my own life. When people visit me and drive in my street it speaks volumes about who I am.  Luckily for me, my street is only 500m!

If I expect nothing from anyone I can never be disappointed and perhaps the reason I am always on top of the world. In approaching anyone for help including the police I always treat them as I would like to be treated and since I visualize the best to happen, it certainly does.  I treat every person as I expect to be treated irrespective of outward appearance or social status.  We are all spiritual beings having a physical experience.

That way I never “think something was said when it was not!”

I would like to share the following with you. Whenever I speak to anyone I “consciously” bring myself back to be where I am. I listen to the person speaking to me ensuring that my full concentration is on what is being said. I anticipate nothing and take everything as “stated”. I have also learned to remove all emotion as I listen for I have found if I do this I am fully “conscious” and I live the moment. That way I never “think something was said when it was not!” Many INTERPRET things instead of taking things as stated.  This occurs even in written texts.

When one operates from that premise one is “BEING” fully present, body mind and soul. One’s contribution to the discussion comes from within and therefore one is more “aware” of words which may hurt or demean another. One always seeks words that will uplift and reaffirm another for at that state of consciousness one appreciates that one is ONE with all that is and above all ONE with the person one is communicating with.

If only we would all realize that nothing is as it was in the past. Although daily nothing seems to change, when you look back everything has changed. Even the tree is no longer the same as it was when we were younger, it too has changed.

If we could all permit ourselves to operate from “BEING” instead of running everything and everyone down we would appreciate that TOGETHER we can make a difference.  Collective thinking, since every thought is a seed, has amazing power.

We have to be that change we want to see in the world. It starts with each of us BEING INVOLVED, BEING fully conscious, BEING fully present wherever we are and at all times.

When we tap into the “BEING” that we truly are we know we only want the best, be it for our families, employers, country and the world. Try it! You will be AMAZED how your perspective on everything changes.

Start to feel the force and power that you truly are. Release the past and be willing to embrace the future BEING FULLY CONSCIOUS. Welcome to my world where BEING seeks how to make it better for another, instead of seeking what one can TAKE from another, for there is no better feeling than having made a difference in the life of another. You can only give what you have – if you give it you too will receive it.

Let the “dash” on your tombstone be such that people remember you for your love, dedication and service. Get INVOLVED! 

Thank you for stopping by to read my article.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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