

In the past choosing to see things as others saw them, I missed out on so many great and wonderful emotions. Like many, I thought winning the lottery or someone giving me lots and lots of money would be a miracle/blessing. 

Today I realize miracles happen daily.  They appear in the form of blessings.  When we are focused on only huge experiences and have expectations, we miss out on the little things which are actually miracles/blessings which happen right before our very eyes. If we cannot appreciate the small things, how do we ever expect to get big things to appreciate? Remove expectation in all aspects of your life for expectation inevitably leads to disappointment because of the “comparison” mindset. Learn to “feel” experiences once, when things are happening. The universe is an amazing teacher. If we pay attention to small details, find time to acknowledge those, the universe responds by giving us big things to appreciate. Enjoy the little things in your life today, for one day you will look back and realize, they were the big things!

There I was at the Revenue Office waiting in line to pay when I was told by the doorkeeper to sit on the bench.  Since there are no accidents in life, I obeyed. An old lady lay there asleep. Her telephone rang and she asked me to find it in her handbag stating that she had returned from the hospital, was not feeling well, and was merely there to pay for the government tractor to plough her fields.  Immediately upon hearing this the lady who was in front of the line offered for the old lady to butt in, in front of her and go and pay.  The gentleman who stood behind me immediately took out R70.00 (seventy Rand) and gave the old lady stating she should go and get something to eat. I found this a sense of Ubuntu (caring for others) that touched my Soul.  These were miraculous gestures in a world where everyone is so busy dealing with their own hurdles, where people do not even bother to return a greeting at times, their own frustrations took a back seat and the old lady became a priority.  No one in the line complained. Everyone felt the need to assist the old lady. I had to witness this for to me, this was a blessing. This assured me that there were still “kind and helpful People” in my country. I felt a sense of gratitude, as I again reinforced my belief that we are all one, just in different physical bodies. You may say, but why should you have felt this as it was not done to you? I know that when we light the way for others, we actually light the path for ourselves. Needless to say, the rest of my day was extraordinary. I was in Cloud 9.

As I turned into Inter-Ministerial Park where one cannot easily find parking I found someone engrossed in conversation on the phone in her car. Many say women are less accommodating than men.  Time was ticking and the offices I was to visit are always crowded and the employees there tend to be irritable around the late hours of the afternoon. I did not want to have to return on the following day.  Don’t forget I live 37Kms from these Government Offices. As I held my hands as though in prayer, she looked at me, moved her vehicle, and let me park in that space! Wow, how much more could one ask for? I was parked just below the steps. This was a blessing! The officials at the offices I visited bent backward to assist me, thank You Lord for all these blessings!

If daily you can feel gratitude from before leaving your house others will inevitably facilitate your day in one way or another. Never forget to thank those who do assist you. Remember that no one is obligated to do anything for you, if they extend the smallest of gestures to alleviate your burden use the words “Thank you” for to me personally I have to feel gratitude. If I say “Thanks” it is as though the degree of gratitude has been drastically reduced. It is now common practice for officials to see me in line and to ask how they can assist me, something I never forget to thank them for, and I do not ever take for granted!

Question yourself so that you are aware of which words trigger compassion, gratitude, love, empathy, etc. so that you “think” them when you desire to tap into a specific emotion that will bring forth the experience you desire.

Thank you for stopping by to read my article.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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