

Being curious ensures one stays inspired and motivated.   It is the desire to want to know more, do more and be more that ensures one is constantly involved, engrossed and active. 

“What do I have to learn in the situation in which I find myself in?”

Whatever situation we find ourselves in, it is an opportunity to learn.  It is a matter of looking at the situation and asking self “What do I have to learn in the situation in which I find myself in?” To arrive in that position one has to remain mindful.  One has to silence the “chatter” that constantly goes on in the mind. You see at times it need not be “one’s” own experience – it could be an experience another is having which was shared with one.  Whichever way, decide if it is something that needs addressing.

I for one am passionate and curious about “the truth.” Let’s look at the videos which were so freely circulated during the recent xenophobic occurrences in South Africa.  Numerous of those videos were taken from previous occurrences and were not current.  Without “checking” the majority simply received and continued the unconscious practice of simply passing on.  Upon receiving such it is important that one realize that not only can one’s reputation go down the drain very fast but one can “destroy” so much.  In this instance not only has the circulation of such affected the tourism industry but many live in total “fear” resulting in them being in the “fight or flight” mode, which means they are pumping cortisol permanently something detrimental to the well being of any human being.  I inevitably “verify” whatever information I receive.  A simple image Google search instantly brings up dates, times, etc.

Upon receiving “voice notes” allegedly from one or other political group, same are merely “forwarded.” The voice note may state that they will come with helicopters/aircrafts to rescue and airlift all X citizens etc. and retaliate.  Curiosity would have in the past informed one that “people cannot simply enter into the airspace of another without consent.” How would the so called “rescue” occur?  How many buses, trains, ships, etc would be necessary to gather everyone at a designated destination? What are the logistics – hundreds, thousands, millions? How many people would it take to coordinate such rescue? Upon arrival on the other side if that were to happen, where would those people be housed? What would they eat? What medical facilities would there be? How would they return to becoming productive self sufficient citizens? Then inevitably the penny drops, why did those people leave that country in the first instance?

Do you now realize how curiosity has ensured that I do not merely become just another unconscious “post office” for the circulation of fake news? This is one of the reasons I do not participate in anything that states that I should send this message to 30 people so that I receive a R300 free shopping voucher at whatever chain store.  These are simply free advertising gimmicks for numerous businesses and I pity those who unconsciously fall for such paying for airtime to promote others quite unconsciously or to spread false news.

If you receive any such message contact the business concerned and enquire on the validity or otherwise of the so called “promotion.” Social media has amazing opportunities and it is as a result of “unconscious” people that not only do the rich get richer but the poor get poorer because those who are “alive” to the gullibility of the sleeping masses will prey on them constantly.

Emails informing one of a “win” are common and such normally contain a virus with spyware where upon same being opened total access is given to hackers of one’s computer, passwords and bank transactions.  If you have not purchased a lottery ticket then it is quite obvious you could not have won the lotto!  Delete!  If anyone calls you to “assist you” with a problem on your computer then it is obvious you are going to be taken for ride for they will give you very clear instructions on how you yourself will download the spyware for them to access your computer.  If your computer has problems take it a reputable dealer in the country!

So now do you see how curiosity takes me on journeys that keep me intrigued for days.  Then I ask, how can anyone in this day and age ever get “bored” for from a simple “WhatsApp” message, forwarded by some unconscious person “I educated myself” and spent days “investigating” and remaining curiously passionate about arriving at the truth or otherwise of a simple WhatsApp message/email I received.

Thank you for stopping by to read my article.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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