

I would like you to think back to how we were raised.

Either too much was said or certain things were just not spoken about in our homes.

For example, if one asked for a new pair of shoes one would be told about how the cost of living had gone up or one would end up hearing about all the things that still had to be done which were considered more important than the pair of shoes one wanted. If one mentioned something in the presence of outsiders, one would be shouted at after those left. This experience resulted in one saying less and less when around those that one depended on. Most of us then took this “habit” of simply remaining silent, into our adulthood. Save for the “bad disapproving look” which one knew so well, and one was silenced by, one spoke very little whilst in the company of elders. One’s communication skills diminished. One eventually reached a stage where one simply “assumed” that others knew and understood one’s feelings. This was unfortunately a very unhealthy way of “existing.” It is important to talk about, face, and deal with our emotions. To me personally, besides politics in my country, there is nothing we do not speak about.

Growth of self comes from self-acceptance and the desire to want to be better today than one was yesterday.

I came to the realization a few years ago that it is important to vocalize and question individuals on aspects of occurrences in our joint lives which we find important. For example, assuming another would simply ‘know’ one needs assistance without actually requesting assistance, leads to one having all sorts of negative thoughts, emotions, and expectations which can lead to the total break down of the relationship for we tend to ‘create’ things in our heads and then actually end up believing them to be true. Many get extremely annoyed when one’s shortcomings are pointed out but I have learned that it is important to “listen” to the message instead of opting to shoot the messenger. Growth of self comes from self-acceptance and the desire to want to be better today than one was yesterday. Those who cannot accept constructive criticism remain stuck. By what you are receiving you will know whether your “practices” are worth keeping or you need to change those.

In a work environment take nothing for granted and inform colleagues of tasks that have to be carried out. Do not “assume” that someone will “know” what has to be done. Accept that we all think differently. Realize and appreciate that our paths thus far have been vastly different. If one practices the habit of clearly stipulating what one requires often this will save one a hundred negative repetitive thoughts which pump adverse energy into one’s cells. Thought creates, so be very aware of what you thinking about. If you constantly “think” the same thought you will eventually manifest it if you also tapped into the right vibration for that thought. Often we think one thing and “feel another.” It is the “feeling” that we refer to as a “vibration” that creates. This is why it is so important to use the “correct words” even in our thinking.

The laws of nature are not dissimilar with regard to the human body. If one continually pumps negative thoughts into one’s cells the result can only be depression, disease, and feelings of being totally “alone”, unappreciated and worthless. Do not ever forget that “all the feelings” exist within you. Whatever “feeling” you tap into will influence your mood.

If we “think” others are cheating, could it be we have done so in our past?

Questioning one on who may have sat on the passenger seat of a vehicle after one has returned from the car wash and the passenger mat has dirt, can have a simple explanation. Assuming that one was with ‘another man/woman’ will result in distrust which often is quite an unfounded assumption. It should also be borne in mind that we notice in others what we find in ourselves. If we “think” others are cheating, could it be we have done so in our past?

The next time you find yourself not trusting someone or thinking uncomfortable feeling thoughts, question yourself. You will be amazed what sort of answers come up. It could even be that you distrust because whilst growing up you witnessed your mother/father having extramarital affairs. it is important to dig deep and get to remember where this “distrust” originated. If you are as keen as I am on ‘progressing’ in your personal development you will know what steps to take to “alter” your thoughts.

I have often heard people informing officials at government offices that they “thought” the official had understood exactly what they wanted. This assumption tended to make that person feel annoyed, as though the official was just being difficult! I ask myself, how can someone ‘think’ if the person has not properly explained their requirements? You see, many are unable to fully explain themselves. This leads to another obligation, the obligation to learn to communicate clearly and slowly for not every person is fully present in the space they occupy. What may be “common knowledge” to you, is not so “common” to another! Also, often you may find that peoples’ bodies are there but their minds are elsewhere. It is this “lack of presence” that can result in unnecessary confrontations and arguments. Stop assuming and start being more vocal. Improve your communication skills.

Assume nothing. Stop treating people in a manner you deem fit simply because you have permitted your mind to run amok. Many uncomfortable situations arise as a result of many “conceiving” certain things instead of asking. Stop ‘assuming’ things. If you feel you need clarification, ask questions. Realize and appreciate that although many may not ‘read energies’ they mirror the ‘attitude’ they receive. In other words, what you send out they send back to you. The only problem with this situation is that when it returns we tend to ‘blame’ others instead of taking responsibility for the ‘energy’ we sent out. Acceptance, recognition, and being prepared to change are the first steps to resolving so many of the ‘uncomfortable’ situations we often face in our day-to-day lives. I pray I have enlightened you today. May you succeed in your journey of “LIVING” instead of ‘EXISTING”

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs


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