

We tend to be so involved in what we are doing when we are around others that we “neglect” to notice what we say and do. I recently had the opportunity to give a lift to a friend who was accompanied by small children. Upon the back door being opened one of the little boys spoke in a hasty impatient tone to another to get into the vehicle. I could not but notice that the tone of voice was exactly his mother’s tone and the anxiety with which he spoke. As children “copy “ what we do and say it, therefore, becomes imperative that we become aware of not only our tone but also the energy and emotion put into the words. Never touch your children with “angry” energies for they absorb those energies and as they are young souls in this physical space, they will return those very energies to us a hundredfold, that means, so much more anger than we had sent out, for they “think” it is correct to feel and behave in that manner. Children become like sponges, they “absorb” everything.

Gone are the days where the village brought up the child.

Recently lots has been said regarding children abusing teachers. I am not at all surprised at the behavior of these children. When these children are home I have noted that many parents do not have “time” to converse and bond with the children. Save to complain about everything that is not right, parents rarely communicate with children. If I could give you some advice it is to say, please find something to compliment your child on before you complain about anything. We all love and need attention. Due to the lack of attention given to children in their homes, they tend to pass comments at times, merely to attract attention for it is normal for one to feel “insignificant” when one is ignored most of the time. Also, words spoken “unconsciously” in the presence of children tend to tell the child that it is great to run others down, question authority, and even run down authority publicly. The behavior of many of our youth is a result of what they have seen and heard in the very homes they come from. Have you not said things like “And what right has he/she to tell me what to do?” Gone are the days where the village brought up the child. Today if the “village” says anything parents go rushing to those people to “tell them off” in front of the child. The child then believes it is correct to go about shouting at others! Parents now “think” by behaving in this manner they are showing their children love and yet they do not ever embrace their children nor do they know how to converse with their children. Overcompensating when they feel guilty about one or another misdeed they have performed towards the child will simply result in a very confused adult in years to come. This is why in our country the majority are angry.

So long as we are in denial about our own actions, this sort of behavior will persist in our country. Be conscious also of your facial expressions, the anger and often hatred that is worn on our faces when we see or are witness to something we disapprove of. Children and many adults unknowingly “copy” that attitude, behavior, and gestures thinking that, because they admire one, those are the “right” things to do. When you touch a child with angry emotions, that child does exactly the same to other children, the only problem is, of course, it is intensified resulting in the child hurting another. As I and so many others are now more “aware” we observe this and know exactly what transpires inside the walls of the various homesteads and offices for people emulate those whom they admire. They unconsciously pick up the negative not realizing that so many of us have so many shortcomings.

Work through your anger in your mind.

I write about this today following my television interview on “Peace in the home”. I admit my accumulative actions from time to time resulted in so many disagreements in the home. I take responsibility for same for I learned from my past. I urge you too to learn from yours. Work through your anger in your mind. Question yourself, see things differently and everything will become different. Stop vocalizing your anger publicly and in front of the youth for they seek guidance from us. The guidance they seek is never vocalized, it is for us to be conscious enough to realize that everything we say and do is absorbed not only by others but even by the spaces we occupy for we leave an energy in every space we occupy. Let that “energy” be an admirable inspiring energy, instead of a destructive draining one. Be aware that your thoughts and emotions affect your physical body. By constantly pumping negativity into the cells in your body you destroy the physical body with disease. Yes, you are the creator of most of your illnesses. Be “aware” of every emotion, attitude, and gesture for these speak even “louder” than your words. Welcome to the world of AWARENESS. Live mindfully.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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