

Many of us have stickers on our vehicles. Have you ever seen this sticker on someone’s vehicle, the one that says “Embrace Life?”

God, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels cannot write messages for you in the sky.

Have you thought of the degree of the message conveyed in this sticker? Is it just a sticker to you? God, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels cannot write messages for you in the sky. Messages are sent to you specifically at the right time, depending on your thoughts and situation. You have to remain mindful and be in the moment to recognize the message is an answer to your prayers. I had ‘allowed’ life to get me down for a few days. My worst fear was that a dog that I so love would die. He had been ill for three days when at a traffic light awaiting the light to turn green I noted that the vehicle in front of me had the message ‘Embrace life’. I read the sticker and then permitted the message to sink. I was instantly reminded to stop resisting, to stop pushing against what was happening.

I had to stop overthinking the situation I found myself in. In one’s past one was accustomed to being constantly in thought. Now I ask for what I want and then release. In stopping the mind one surrenders to what is. I immediately thereafter told myself you have to stop worrying. If the dog is ready to leave this physical space, then be it. I had no control over him, but I certainly had control over how I encountered his illness. I thought deeply of the message. I realized I was endeavoring to “control” something which was outside of me. I only have control over me and what was happening to me. I asked God, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for assistance.

I know they all love helping, all we have to do is call upon them for help. I brought myself back to the present moment. I told myself, I would just learn whatever I had to learn from this situation. When you tap into your Higher Self, Your Inner Being, Your Soul, Your Spirit, be it whatever you want to call it, you tap into peace. You tap into the assurance that all is exactly as it should be for that time in that space. You can exhale, trust and believe that whatever the outcome it will be what is best for all concerned.

I told myself I would do whatever I could to make my dog comfortable and loved. I would follow the instructions of the vet and trust and believe that whatever the outcome I would be strong enough to deal with it. I could not be ‘attached to the outcome. Being attached to the outcome when manifesting or creating gives us a sense of disappointment when the outcome is not what we anticipated. However, when we ‘embrace’ the creation, enjoy the journey, and learn whatever we have to, manifestation becomes easy and we tap into the flow.

Whenever we feel ourselves becoming ‘uncomfortable’, irritated, or drained, it is a sign that we are not in alignment with what we want. This is the easiest way to note that we are resisting something. We should never forget that what we resist we will experience and it will persist. It is best to acknowledge it and “embrace it.”

Despite the financial constraints, I would ensure the best treatment for my dog. I would awaken during the night and ensure that he was comfortable. I would ensure that he drank the re-hydration solution as directed. You see, unlike other dogs my dog is not only huge but extremely vicious. He loves to show one who is the boss. He eventually permitted me to force the solution into his mouth every hour or so.

It would be impossible to put a drip on him or having him hospitalized for he is not used to being in vehicles nor does he allow anyone else other than myself to touch him. To ensure he survived I would not complain or feel getting up every hour is a burden, I would ‘serve’ him lovingly, joyously, and voluntarily with the best energies, I could possibly have. After all I am here to serve. We cannot differentiate between serving humans, serving animals, or serving the universe (which is all that is), for, our mission here on earth is to be of service, to experience ourselves in ‘all ways’ and to permit the God within us to always feel the Highest Feeling ever God had about Who He Is, through us. We also came here to evolve.

Are you “embracing life” or, are you resisting everything in your life? Are you seeking habits that nourish your well Being, or do you daily complain, find everything a burden or will you henceforth elect to learn, grow and become an “evolved soul”? You have a choice, you are not separate from all that is, you are more powerful than you have ever imagined, you have always managed and you will always manage, so, now choose to “embrace life” and start living instead of existing! Celebrate every moment, become conscious of your thoughts, think and feel only good feeling vibrations, create consciously! My dog has healed. He continues to be among my greatest teachers.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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