
I HAD A DREAM (2014)

I was recently shaken back into reality by a lady who felt she had to tell me a piece of her mind and for which I am eternally grateful for had she remained silent I would not be writing this article.

When I was running for elections I informed many people that it was my dream to have cannabis/hemp/dagga legalized in the Kingdom of Eswatini for if it could be legalized the following would be the benefits to my country:

i) Every household would know that within 6 or 7 months they would receive much needed income to boost the living conditions of that household;

ii) The income from the sale of the product would automatically reduce health problems encountered by so many such as stress, diabetes, cancer, blood pressure, etc. as studies have now proven that 95% of all diseases are caused by stress;

iii) Instead of cutting trees and pulping paper, we would pulp hemp and export newspaper reel throughout the world thereby bringing into the country much needed foreign currency;

iv) the textile mills would spin hemp a commodity that lasts 10 years and more thereby preventing the importing of inferior quality materials as well as creating much-needed employment thus reducing unemployment in our country;

v) the tourist industry which the last time I observed stated we had had a million tourists would be increased in the minimum by tenfold and thereby ensuring that all hotels, guest houses,, and lodges are full to capacity all year round thus generating income and ensuring employment as it has been said that we have Swazi Gold. Among the best Cannabis in the world! If tourists could be permitted to smoke this in designated areas, the country would have tourists throughout the year; People should stop being selfish and stop worrying about the price going down – there will be enough for everyone!

vi) Pharmaceutical companies would spring up in every region in the country thus ensuring that people live in their homesteads instead of flocking to the main cities thereby ensuring the building of infrastructure throughout the country and thereby creating further employment;

vii) The Swaziland Revenue Authority would be in a position to ensure that all education is free for if they already do so much to sponsor education, they could do even more and could secure bursaries for those who for one reason or another presently do not qualify for bursaries. That way we would have more qualified engineers, doctors, etc. instead of limiting the education of our people to those subjects presently provided only within the country;

viii) We would reduce the HIV/AIDS infection rate since poverty would not drive our women to be promiscuous merely to get a plate of food which has become the norm in our country for certain people do not know how they can create money;

ix) The burden on our health system would be greatly reduced after the initial 7 month period for when people have food to eat they are able to better deal with their hurdles. How can one deal with hurdles when they are hungry?

x) We could sell carbon credits to countries like Brazil, India etc. and use that money to empower all women in the country, without cutting a tree;

xi) People in the cities would afford to pay their rates comfortably thus ensuring our municipal councils maintain the roads, road signs, pavements, etc.

Now, these are only but a few of the benefits of cannabis/hemp/dagga. The medicinal benefits of the same are countless and one need only Google same to start to appreciate them. It has been proven that dagga can reduce tumors/cancer. Our dream is to become a first-world country. We can do this. We are only a million people and every single one of the adults in the million can be a millionaire in less than five years! The inspiration, hope, and zest derived from legalizing this God-given plant would bring new energy to every person in the country.

This is only one of the sections in my dream. Given an opportunity, I will ensure we bring forth all the other legislation which should be amended thus ensuring we meet the first world status as desired by all of us. I hope I have given you food for thought today. May we stop being followers and start being leaders in Africa. It is sad that once elected those in power do very little if anything to improve the living conditions of the nation.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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