

Lessons can be learnt from everything we do in life.

We cannot separate our spiritual selves from our actions, who we are and what we feel or how we react instinctively and therefore everything makes up the ‘whole’. So whether we are at home or whether we are driving, we are still the same being. Despite many thinking, a motor vehicle is simply a means of transport the manner in which that motor vehicle moves from one space to another denotes the ‘energy’ of the driver. For example, an extremely pompous human being will drive up behind one in the fast lane, flick his/her lights in an irritable fashion, despite him/her noting that you are overtaking a truck, ensuring you do not exceed the speed limit and will sit on your back bumper. One has to ‘catch’ themselves lest one picks up such a person’s energy.

In driving such a person is called a “road hog”. Needless to say, the title says it all! If one does not “catch” ones’ self one mirrors that behavior which upon arriving at one’s destination will cause one to be irritable and impatient. Taking long deep breaths will help one come back to the present moment and will ground one.

The sort of music we listen to whilst driving also tends to influence our mood and behavior. Loud music with lots of profanity tends to make a driver think he is strong and powerful resulting in very little consideration for other road users. This can be noted at traffic lights when everyone else is waiting for the lights to change to green and someone comes from behind and overtakes everyone and continues straight ahead despite there being no overtaking lane. Initially, upon seeing such most obedient drivers tend to become angry but it should be borne in mind that such behavior is merely a reflection of that driver. Don’t pick that up as it is not yours. You cannot go about picking up every bit of negativity dumped by others through their failure to follow the law.

Courtesy, politeness, and consideration for other road users is something to be admired. Often at intersections, there will be no space for one to stop behind another vehicle, and yet certain drivers ‘force’ their way into a space thus blocking others from continuing across a busy intersection. The law is very clear, if you cannot fit, you should not go. Although many speak badly of kombi drivers (taxis/public transport) I have noted that these are the most polite drivers at intersections. Friends and acquaintances ‘pretend’ not to note one endeavoring to get into the main road.

We do not become ‘invisible’ when in our vehicles. Indeed, we stand out more than if we were walking because most drivers who know us personally, know our registration numbers and the type and color of the vehicles we drive. Angry and unhappy people will not move aside and allow one to pass. Their attitude is I have a right to use the road. When we stop at pedestrian crossings although it would be wonderful if every pedestrian walked briskly across the road, especially when we are in hurry, we should not let those ‘parading’ pedestrians get to us by taking their own sweet time to cross the road. In my country the miserable ones have the attitude of “You just have to wait!” Needless to say, these are not the sorts of people one wants to associate with. That is how many miss out on an amazing life – the wrong attitude!

Hooting and shouting at pedestrians says a lot about one as a driver. The same applies to situations where someone cuts in, in front of one and one takes to swearing and hooting and upon noting that every road user is looking at one, one pretends it makes no difference. It does, for one cannot ever know how many observed such. People who behave in this fashion tend to suffer road rage. Have you ever noted that if you do not deliberately “control” your emotions they escalate to a point where you lose total control and might even commit murder? That is why it is imperative you stay mindful!

People who openly disregard road laws are not looked upon as “nice people” and will rarely find people who let them in, who thank them, who uplift them even whilst driving. We can only always attract that which we are, or that which we already have. If one is polite and considers others on the road, others consider one even when one may be doing the incorrect thing for they know that they too have imperfections. Lapse of concentration whilst driving e.g. texting and answering a mobile phone for a split second may result in a fatal accident.

Become aware of your driving habits avoid taking risks to ensure your own safety and well being for irrational behavior even whilst driving has consequences which you will know by the attitude of other drivers towards you. In all situations, you have choice let your choices always be for your good and the good of all concerned. You do not ever have to teach anyone anything they will learn when they suffer the consequences of their actions for as a man soweth so shall he reap.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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