

Have you ever questioned certain of your thoughts? Do you realize that certain thoughts come as a result of certain of your beliefs? For example, certain of us believe that irrespective of whether or not we have money right now in our pockets we will still do this and that whereas others are held back by believing that if they have no money there is nothing they can achieve.

Firstly the intent and then the belief makes it possible for us, without money to achieve certain goals because once we get into the momentum the money comes because we are so engrossed in ensuring we get involved. Others believe that because they have no money, they cannot do whatever it may be. In their minds, these people have already “failed” for they are limited by their beliefs.

Have you realized that “intent” is the first step to achieving your goals? Once you put “intent” into the equation you get down and take the first step. Once you put belief with intent you have to succeed e.g. I decided I would put crazy tiles all over my property. The thought of the cost of such a project did not even enter my mind. So I got up and went to the necessary store and made them an offer to purchase a crate of all their broken tiles. I had to organize a van to pick up the tiles, this cost me extra money and daily I purchased a packet of tile cement and started to tile. As I said to you previously when you get down to doing something the universe and God meet you along the way. Before I knew it someone came to tell me that whenever builders finish houses in my township, they throw away all the broken tiles in the adjacent property, so, there I was picking up all those broken tiles others called “rubbish” and now I could put them in the boot of my car and go home, at not much additional cost for transport.

Before long I had put crazy tiles all over the property! It did not matter to me that “others” vocalized their disagreement in what I was doing by saying things like “Umlungu uya butsa tibi!” (The white woman is collecting “rubbish”). What other people think and say, is their business. What I think and do, is my business. I always “stop” my mind when feelings of being a lesser person “creep in”, for those emotions “block” my progress. I had to stay inspired and enthusiastic. To create something “extra ordinary” I have to think and feel only “good feeling thoughts and feelings”.

Thinking back now I realize that everything we have done and have succeeded in have had both, belief and intent. You prepare a field, plant tomatoes and the intent is to harvest that particular type of tomato you planted. This is exactly the same with thought. You see, you can never harvest anything other than what you have planted in the mind. In other words, if your thoughts are not quite right you cannot harvest the exact outcome you intend. Likewise as there are various varieties of tomatoes, you can only harvest the exact type you plant. You can’t then halfway through the growing process decide the cocktail tomatoes you have planted are now not what you want, so, because you changed your mind, do you think those cocktail tomatoes will now become huge red juicy tomatoes? Never! You will always reap what you sow whether physically or mentally, the principles are exactly the same!

Belief with intent are 2 of your most powerful tools. I recall when I used to gamble. I would go into the Casino and believed I would win. I recall once going to a Zionist Priest who prayed over some water and told me I would win a fortune! The intent with which I had gone there was powerful enough to start the ball moving in my favor. My belief in what he had said of course made me win what I called “a fortune”! He intended I win, I believed I would win, the friend who took me believed this “priest” had hidden powers. Well, now when I look back I realize that it was not only one person thinking this thought, but a group of us and the result was a force. Can you imagine if every person in the world thought only good feeling thoughts, what we would be able to change? We would create a shift!

You know that thought is energy and energy creates. That is why when you propose love to someone, with the right intent and belief, you eventually get them. It is the intent of getting close to that person, together with the belief and the action that makes you succeed. Imagining and “feeling” that person, feeling good in your thoughts, allowing those repetitive thoughts with emotion, is what brings forth those experiences. You even smile when you think of that person! If we do this in everything we want to achieve, we have to succeed especially if we take the necessary steps consistently.

Remember, you must not be “desperate” in your thoughts for being desperate pushes away and blocks what you want. I leave with you with this thought “Anything the mind can conceive and believe you can achieve” (Albert Einstein). Believe it, we create from very little with just belief and intent! Ever heard of having a million-plus rand-a-year turnover business with an investment of only E2 000? Guess who did that from 1985 to 2000 annually? Start questioning your beliefs! Life is a journey, not a destination! Change what you believe and your life will change for the better. There is nothing you cannot achieve with consistency, belief and intent.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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