

Ever consciously focused on what you feel when fear overcomes you? Do you realize your senses are heightened, you feel insecure and oftentimes you may even become nasty? We use nastiness to cover up for our fear.

Fear I have come to realize not only holds us back but also blocks opportunities. Let me enlighten you. So long as one stays in the state of fear and does not take a decision to “take control” of the situation, one will not progress. Because of our programmed pasts we tend to “judge” people even before we speak to them. We decide whether they are the sort of person worthy of our “best behavior” or whether they are so insignificant we choose to “ignore them”. Become conscious of your “judgement” it unsettles even you for the tendency is always to think “others” are either better or “lower” than you and once you do this you miss out on so many opportunities for we are all students and teachers here. Today greet that person you see daily in the kombi! Stop to talk to someone you have always admired. Be conscious enough to allow another driver into the road ahead of you, or remember to thank someone who has extended you courtesy! Remove the fear of what others may say! Be yourself! People love associating with happy, goal-getting, vibrant, and alive people. They love being with those who make them see the possibilities in themselves as well.

When we come out of the “fear” zone, take control and take the initiative, life opens up. This is called “coming out of safety mode” and when we live “dangerously” not by driving fast or walking around with knives and guns, but, when we do something “out of the norm” daily, we meet people who facilitate whatever it is we are pursuing. People “fear” others will “talk about them”; they actually ask, what will other people say? Certain others do not ever look one in the face not because of our custom but because of “fear”. Ever “felt” someone looking at you and when you gaze at them they look away? Others will not greet you when they are with their respective spouses for “fear” the spouse may start an argument. Always realize, that which you “fear” you draw to yourself. I have come to realize that those who have the most to say assist one the least in progressing in life.

When one starts to operate with the conviction that one is doing not only the best for oneself but the best for all concerned, what other people think say and do becomes insignificant. After all, it should be borne in mind that what other people think say and do is their business, yours is to mind your business, control your thoughts and always feel the highest feeling ever you had about who you are.

One should always bear in mind that one came into this physical world for this experience and nothing should feel like “too much”. Often we do the minimum as we “fear” failing or we “fear” doing the wrong thing. When we have a mindset that can only think in one way, it is like using a hammer as a repair tool for everything. Let your mind see all the other possibilities existing within all situations you encounter. You have all the tools you require within, you don’t only have a hammer! Think of the best tool kit you could purchase then realize you are more equipped than even that tool box with what you have within you.

Like nature resisting nothing simply “experience” what you have to experience and even within that situation, see and start to tap into the possibilities for opportunity always comes in through the back door. You have to be conscious and alive to it when it shows up. Remember all those emotions of hate, anger, anxiety, fear, pride, etc. prevent you from being in touch with your inner self. So like the master you are, discard those emotions and start filling your mind with stillness whenever engrossed in any task; joy when you think of your goals and enthusiasm when you prepare for the future, for when we feel these emotions the universe brings forth what we dream about for we remain upbeat, consistent and we enjoy what we are doing for we do not consider that work. Every person is great, it is just a matter of tapping into one’s greatness, for how can you not be great, you have God within you which is LIFE itself?

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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