

This article was published on 17 June 2015 – Swazi Observer – Kingdom of Eswatini

The fact that certain roads were closed to the public on Saturday due to a number of people protesting at the Manzini Police Station and wanting answers for the untimely demise of a Mozambican national, made me realize just how truly blessed I am.

Had I not fallen so terribly ill and had I “continued with my pride and anger” I would probably have been capable of hurting another to that degree. You see, when one “believes” they are all-powerful, they get taken by the spur of the moment resulting in one always “feeling” they have to constantly re-affirm to others, by their actions, who they are.

In those instances, we believe we are “our professions” or “our positions”. What we do not realize is that that is merely the “job” and we are a lot more than those positions. The work we do is merely one facet of our lives and does not define who we are. It should be recognized as “how we serve” since everything is service. We tend to want to prove to others just how “powerful” we are and thus common sense does not even enter into our thoughts. It is sad to note that the people who have been “chosen” to protect us are the very ones we now have to fear. The name-calling, Shangaan, Indian, Chinese, etc. all have xenophobic connotations. So many young people dream of becoming ‘policemen’ believing they are such a wonderful example to society.

Is this the example we want to portray to the youth of our country? Since we teach people by our actions, could our children want to be policemen so as to have “the power to beat up, abuse, and even murder” others?

In the past, we have often heard people in custody speaking about the assaults perpetrated against them whilst in custody. They have continuously voiced allegations of being “tubed” having plastic bags placed over their heads, there was even an investigation into the demise of a deceased by the coroner after it was alleged that the burns on his body resulted from the back of a bakkie overheating and burning him! I think the time has come to fit surveillance cameras in all spaces in every police station in the country. We, as the public, need to know that we are safe when in any of those spaces.

Later if such allegations come up, we can always review the footage. I can understand if the allegation that the policeman was the one that caused the untimely death of the deceased, that the said policeman could have been carried away in the spur of the moment because when we tap into the ‘power’ vibration everything else in our mind takes the back seat. We crave to prove to others just “how much” we can do. I say this because I have been in those situations in my past as mentioned in my article last week entitled ‘My past’ in which I shared with you what I did as Deputy Sheriff. I would warn others not to “push me” as I was capable of murder.

I admitted my shortcomings but so many are in denial. I even saw a psychologist to assist me. You see, when we behave in that manner we do it to get validation from others. Today, I know I do not need the validation of others for I am “sufficient”, I recognize I am whole and complete. Do you? I feel for both the family of the policeman and the deceased’s family for loss is loss and something extremely difficult to deal with. If the policeman is anything like myself he now regrets not only his actions but whatever words he uttered prior to that act.

You see, we prophesy with our mouths and since energies are flowing extremely fast now, we manifest things instantly. The family and friends of the deceased are also understandably angry and are vocalizing what they want to materialize. As the situation is volatile we all have to be very careful of what we say lest we too manifest what we do not want. We have to consciously subdue our anger and hatred. Do we want to be known as a nation that not only looks angry but is angry? We are all citizens of the universe and whether we title others ‘Shangaans, Indians, Chine-se,’ etc. They are souls which derive from the energy of ‘All That Is’ and which make up the whole, without those souls there would be an imbalance in the universe.

I have always said and I will continue to aver that I have a bit of each of them and each of you within me, as I am “all of you put together” because I am so mixed. Make it a habit to stop labelling people for then you will treat them as human beings for that is exactly who they are, “human beings” who have a right to life!

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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