

We all have “inferiority complexes” unless we have consciously acknowledged them and worked through them. In this article, I will be dealing with “inferiority complexes” which most of us have suffered and continue to suffer unless we realize our uniqueness and celebrate that. Blessed is the one that has worked through most, for he lives FREE.

Often when we are invited to attend a function, certain of us “fear” those that may be on the guestlist for we do not believe we are worthy of mixing and rubbing shoulders with those considered to be the top ones in our society. We pass comments under our breath because we feel too inferior to say something in another’s face. However, even those “top” people have their inhibitions about one thing or another! Many of our “inferiority complexes” are a result of our upbringing.

In today’s society, people get so shocked when you greet them, that they prefer to either look at their phone even though there is no message or just “ignore the greeting”. Why do we feel “uncomfortable”? I have experienced that. Our own insecurity together with the insecurity we are receiving brings this forth. When I first moved into my neighborhood as I jogged I would greet every person I met. I found this uplifted me for many responded with a smile and the hype of their greeting uplifted me totally! By then I had started to work through my complexes as well as the fear of rejection. I had claimed my right to all that was good and wonderful in the universe. Those that did not return the greeting, I acknowledged “suffered insecurities” and I just moved on. I was still whole, I had lost nothing.

One has to look beyond that “uncomfortable feeling” and just do it. The energy one draws from others by going to functions, meeting people from all walks of life, and interacting with them, contributes to a healthy way of life. It should be borne in mind that those we are yet to meet are the ones who change our lives completely! People have not always been outspoken, comfortable speaking in public, or even attending functions. Each individual has worked through the insecure feelings that overwhelm one when initially informed that one is expected to do something which is out of the comfort zone.

This leads me to focus on another inferiority complex. When a loved one is seen speaking to someone, certain of us immediately “feel inferior” and it is notable that our mood changes. What brings out these emotions? The thought that we are not good enough or we fear losing them? If we know our worth, if we know others including our spouse enjoy being in our presence for we uplift them, support them emotionally and we are an inspiration to others, why should we feel insecure? After all, they chose us instead of others. We do not live in a cocoon so it is important to socialize with others and to draw energy and knowledge from them. Daily work through an emotion that unsettles you. Ask yourself questions to see what steps you can take towards making yourself feel whole. Daily do things that you not only enjoy doing for others but adds value to their living and in so doing, you help yourself feel great. Remember, it is in uplifting others that we uplift ourselves. Running others down because we feel insecure does not make them lesser people indeed even if we were to rejoice at others “believing our biased opinion” it would be short-lived for the truth about that person will always surface. Becoming moody, not speaking, clamping up when others endeavor to converse with you, only makes you feel less worthy and ensures that no one wants to associate with you.

It is these insecurities and inferiority complexes that lead to abuse. Daily we read about gender violence, bullying in schools, and people murdering others. In most instances, such actions are a result of “inferiority complexes”. Our behavior is copied and the youth who “think” that is the correct way to behave instead of realizing that the person perpetrating the “crime”/behavior felt so inferior that the only way to feel superior was to abuse another whether physically or mentally. That sort of behavior does not make one “popular” and neither does it make one feel happy, if it does make one feel good, it will be short-lived joy, and thus the reason why certain people continuously behave in this manner and despite this, are never happy. Such people have few real friends. If any hang around that person, it is for what they can get out of that person. Catch yourself the next time you realize you are being downright nasty. Stop thinking others are better than you are. Stop attacking people verbally or physically as this will make you unpopular. Work through your insecurities and fears. Remember, others have merely overcome and worked through their insecurities and fears.

We are all here to serve so let us serve joyously, with the right approach and attitude. If it is your weight that makes you feel insecure, start exercising. If you feel uncomfortable about your educational background, start studying. If you feel you are not a great cook, start asking others to teach you how to cook. Put yourself in the midst of people you do not know, greet and observe their reaction to your greeting. You may have to work on that before someone responds in a manner that uplifts you. Do not forget that people “respond” to the energies they are “receiving.” Greet in an upbeat manner and you will receive upbeat acknowledgments.

Life is not a destination, it is a journey. Learn what makes others respond positively to you. Stop comparing yourself to everyone else because you are not “everyone else” you are unique, the only one with that DNA, with those fingerprints, with those thoughts and actions. Realize that doing good, smiling and uplifting others actually makes you feel GREAT for whatever we send out comes back to us a millionfold, it is called Karma! Do not reserve your good attributes for only those you want to impress. Make it a way of life. Impress yourself throughout your day and remember, when we are upbeat, that is when what we want comes to us without any effort on our part. Practice on those you reside with by being compassionate and upbeat with them. Become “one” person, you don’t need a different side to you.

Thank you for stopping by to read my Blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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