

During these financially trying times, it is not unusual for people to hit out at one even when one is right and has always elected to do that which is respectable and responsible. 

Let’s look at the following example. You had in an email submitted documentation and upon receipt thereof, the recipient advised that “everything had been done and has been sorted.”  A month later you call the Accounts Department and get a shock of your life, nothing has been done.  When you approach the recipient, she states in a nonchalant manner that she had sent it to “X” whom she thought would do everything, and forward it to the Accounts Department.  You see “X” is not even in Accounts, “X” is her superior.  Upon informing her that her actions were dishonest, they take offense!

Upon her realizing she has been “caught lying” she threatens to stop giving you work because she alleges you are pushy.  No, you render a service like no other and therefore expect to be paid in the minimum, within 30 (thirty) days in terms of your agreement.  Instead, you get threatened that you will not be getting work from her in the future.  Initially, you get a shock of your life! 

Then, you re-remember you are the best that exists in that field in the country. You always give your all to whatever you do so that no other can ever reach your level. Therefore do not panic, don’t worry, you have done nothing wrong.  They may give the work to so many others but the work will never be as perfect as yours because none of them can ever do the work as you do, they do not have the experience you have and neither do they do it with the efficiency that you do it.  “Pushy” or not, they will come back to you in due course! 

Your initial shock passed, you think, this is the mother of children, a wife to someone, a boss to many and yet they can lie?  Even what you consider as a “white lie/small lie” is a lie and the universe is witness to your lies.  Since you lie about so-called “small things” what else did you lie about? Did you get that position through doing devious things?  Remember lying is dishonest and is a ground for dismissal! Since everything forms part of the whole that lying will affect something you treasure dearly! Every single one of your choices has a consequence, never forget that.

This so reminded me of another experience.  I informed the father of a friend that his girlfriend was up to no good.  You see, that friend is someone I knew from school days as he schooled with my brothers.   As life went on we opened different businesses in the same mall and shared so much whenever we met in the elevator or over coffee.  As he traveled and worked abroad we kept in touch.  He was “family” I could not afford to have anything negative happen to him.  So I informed his father who was an Anglican Priest thinking he “would appreciate being warned”.  I was taken apart for informing.  I was asked what “sort of a friend was I if I could report on the actions of a girlfriend?” Initially I was shocked at the reception I had received.  I left and every time I thought of that since it took me down a very negative path, I stopped the mind.  I knew I told the truth and I had to warn him.  Since I received that treatment I decided to inform his son who was still at the time, overseas.

The years went by, the son returned home and one day to my surprise I received a phone call requesting me to go down to the homestead.  Upon arriving the former Anglican Priest, the father of my “friend” apologized profusely.  He had now seen certain things for himself! I had to remind him that his words really hurt! Priest or o priest his venomous automatic response was destructive! I was just grateful I did not permit it to change me. You see priests are held in very high esteem in my country we’ve always been made to believe they “are special”. It is only when one gets really close to them that one realizes they put up amazing fronts! Observe their children and you will know what sort of people they really are!

You see if you have been honest and divulged something without malice; if you have done your work diligently and efficiently, don’t worry, the universe will ensure you never go hungry and the truth will always come to the surface and will become visible for all to see. It may take years but someone will always “have your back!” for what we send out we get back.  Be truthful and always choose to do the right thing for the universe is witness to everything and you will be abundantly rewarded for what you have sown.

Thank you for stopping by to read my Blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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