

Have you ever stopped to think about where you acquired your beliefs and how these beliefs either assist you to enhance your life or they “limit” certain of your progress?

We tend to find “excuses” why certain things do not happen in our lives and yet what most of us do not realize is that either consciously or unconsciously we “create” certain situations we find ourselves in. For example, many of us believe we are “worthy” of getting and having a lot of money, or we feel we deserve “the best” and yet certain of our “habits” show that inside deep down we only believe we are worthy of “the best” only at certain times. This manifests itself through the fact that we only “wear your best” on a Sunday or only put on that expensive perfume or drive that “beautiful” vehicle on a Sunday, thus proving that we have programmed ourselves to only get “the best” on a Sunday.

You do this unconsciously not realizing that the universe “responds” to what you send out and not what you say. Many say one thing and mean another, so the universe follows our “emotions.” You see there is now no doubt that the mind and body are not separate, scientists have proved that, so like a computer whatever you put in is what you are will get out whether “consciously” or “unconsciously”. You cannot create a positive and abundant life if you are constantly having negative thoughts which create negative feelings. Your pre-programming resulting from your upbringing is what is holding you back from receiving and having the best at all times. You have to start changing your thoughts/beliefs consciously to change your life. In other words, wear the best and drive the best daily. Stop the mind and think only good feeling thoughts. Stock “fearing lack” or things running out. Feel abundance. Stop stressing and wanting to be where you are not physically. Just stay in the moment and in the moment choose always the best feelings.

Another aspect of our beliefs which we should look at is the spoken word. We often say things like “I can forgive Jack for what he has done to me but I will never forgive John, for as long as I live”. Now you have set not only “degrees” and “standards” for who deserves what. All religions teach the same principles, forgiveness. They do not say, forgive some and not others. You can forgive, put the whole episode behind you and move on, and distance yourself from whoever it is that brings on negative thoughts and emotions. We all love to be looked at as “God-believing people” and yet we have double standards, for there are certain people we will give a lift to, or “allow” to do certain things but we will not “allow” others. This results in us getting certain things in our lives and not getting others. This stops one “staying in the flow” and thus the reason why so many people “struggle” in every aspect of their lives. We may find a man/woman has everything and yet he does not have a loving partner who compliments him/her. Or, money flows only for very short periods and does not flow for the rest of the month. It is important to remain mindful of one’s thoughts as these influence our emotions. Emotions affect the physical body either positively or negatively. In other words, you will either be healthy or become really ill resultant from your thoughts!

Have you ever thought that subconsciously this is as a result of your beliefs? I will use a certain example. When I was little although we were not “rich” we always had enough. However, at school, there were certain “rich” children who always looked down upon others, “showed off” and were not nice people. Whenever I was surrounded by such as I disliked their behavior etc. I think I must have unconsciously told myself “rich people are not nice” and “nobody wants to be around rich people” and as I did not want to be “put in that category” therefore this became a “belief” in my Being. I had to work really hard to “change” that belief so as to remain in the flow and attract to myself abundance.

 As I progressed in my life I noted that money was scarce until someone made me aware of the fact that I passed negative comments about rich people. I had to “work” through that and change my “belief” about rich people because even though I felt I was worthy of “the best” and I was worthy of “lots of money” my pre-programmed belief had to be “altered”. Whenever you are alone, question yourself about why certain aspects of your life are as they are and once you “deal” with that and start to “work through” those aspects of your life, you will find your life “opens up”.

Realize that your “double standards” of say, forgiving certain people and not forgiving others, picking and choosing who to impress is what results in the universe giving you certain things and not giving you others. Forget about impressing others. Always impress yourself. You are the only one who can turn your life around – no one can do that for you. I pray you will “take responsibility” and accept whatever conclusion you reach for when we “acknowledge” something it disappears, for we work through it, and what we “resist” persist. In other words, by what you get you will know what you are sending out. If your life is not improving then stop denying you need to do things differently!

May you succeed in all your endeavors. It is never too late to become the person you dreamed of becoming! Welcome to my world of endless possibilities where I acknowledge I am a work in progress!

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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