

And so many say things like “I would like to do it with you.” Such a term denotes absolutely no emotion is involved in the act.  It is simply an exercise that one is carrying out.  There is also no foreplay involved.  By the words, it is merely considered a “stress release” of some kind with no strings attached. You get “on top of someone” and just do it! Yoh! There are no feelings involved if a person can speak in this manner. This person operates from the premise of “lust.” Lust is dirty! We are human, not animals!

One then wonders, what sort of people can have sex without having any emotional attraction to someone?  How can one just have sex?  Is everyone now merely a Sex Worker? You see Sex Workers have sex without feelings so that they get money to support either their lives or their drug habits.  Many “believe” it is the only way they can get money!  If you can “believe” this and “do it” and get money, you can “believe” anything else that would assist you to get money in a more “respectable profession.” 

You have simply chosen the “easy way out.” You also lack self-esteem believing that “others” are better than you are otherwise you would never stoop to the level where you “share” your most intimate parts with someone you do not know.  It is merely a matter of “shifting” your belief! That is my humble opinion. As with everything else, if you believe you can build an empire without borrowing from anyone, you will succeed.  You must be willing to “work hard” and “create” as you go along. Patience and never giving up are key.  After all, that is why we are all here in this physical space – to learn to solve hurdles and to grow materially by tapping into the spiritual.

And then there are those males who “believe” they must be “supported by their woman” because he is “the lion.”  When any person utilizes this term let me share with you what goes through my mind. This person “believes” he is a ferocious animal – not even a domesticated one! You see, in a pride of lions the lioness hunts, and the male feasts.  Also, the male never bothers to “excite” the female, he merely gets on top of her to ensure that his “bloodline” will continue for generations.  To me personally, these males have the mentality of what I have just explained in view of the “words” utilized. 

So, this now gives you an insight into how I perceive that person to be.  You see even in pigeons the pigeon dances and kisses its partner before he has “sex with her.” Did you know that pigeons mate for life?  In other words, they have only one partner. So, the next time you “kill” a pigeon realize that you have ensured that that pigeon remains alone for the rest of its physical life!  They are more loyal than mankind!  You can learn so much from nature, but many are “ignorant” of this fact believing they “know it all” not realizing, they are part of nature.

In “amorous nations” sex is something that commences in the morning – in other words, the male ensures he takes a moment to “embrace” his partner from time to time during the day if he is home, and speaks words that will make her happy, tells her how much he appreciates and loves her, touches her regularly and, if he is not home, phones her during the day and “speaks words that he knows will excite her” so as to prepare her for “later.”  He also purchases her little gifts and would perhaps even “hide” the same so as to create the element of surprise.  These nations call it “love-making” and they do not use words like “I would like to do it with you!”  It is not considered an exercise or past time but indeed is something taken very seriously as it is a sign of commitment to one specific person and thus the reason those nations do not have the “high rate of HIV infection as is found in the Kingdom of Eswatini.”

This promiscuity (sleeping with anyone and everyone) is what ensures people become “indifferent” and merely “do it” as a quick release.  (This behavior is what causes a single girl to have 5 (five) children from 5 (five) different men!) It reminds me of those who take drugs or consume large volumes of alcohol – they want quick fixes to forget their problems but there are no quick fixes in life.  Until and unless you learn to sort out your problems they will persist.  It is also due to “desperation” as these women so badly want to be “in a relationship” not being aware that because they are “desperate” those they attract to themselves “are also desperate” and therefore one is merely using the other.  Besides the “sex” nothing else exists between them, perhaps the reason femicide is on the rise as men are ashamed that they have impregnated a woman outside marriage and such an act they know is “wrong” so to endeavor to “hide” their disgraceful act. ” They would rather kill the “sexual partner” for there is no other term that would appropriately fit the exercise than let society at large know they are promiscuous!

Everything is about “cause and effect.”  If you perceive a sexual act as simply being something “insignificant” which you partake in with someone you are not sexually attracted to or have emotional feelings for, you may even find yourself feeling “very dirty” if you have any conscious at all. You will scrub and scrub yourself but will still “not feel clean” and you will later have to accept and forgive yourself for past “mistakes” but ensure you never ever partake in such ever again because you have “principles.”  You never do things merely for the “act” or for “show” or “to say you have done it!” After all, you have not only a mind, but a brain, a heart, a Soul, and a physical body!

You cannot “do it with someone” as many put it, without absorbing their “energy” which “energy” will be detrimental to you.  You see, since every act comprises of energy and so does every space, people “absorb” energies wherever they go.  Energies as per Einstein do not die, they simply change shape and move from one to another!  Don’t be so ignorant as to believe that after a sexual encounter you are “exactly the same person you were before the encounter!”

Stay mindful and remember that every single one of your actions has repercussions, in other words, an effect.  You cause something to happen there will be “an effect” in other words a result.  Ensure you can cope with the “result” at all times because you have to take responsibility and ownership for your actions.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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