

Everything in the universe is “energy”. Albert Einstein said, “Energy cannot die, it simply changes shape”. Thought is energy and thus the reason why it changes into your reality.

Karma is found to mean, among other things “aura”, and “aura” is itself energy and thus the reason why different people have different “aura” colors depending on what they most think about and feel. “Aura” is the light that surrounds every single thing in the universe. This also explains why one can be comfortable or uncomfortable next to another. Without us realizing it consciously, our God-given attributes tend to “warn” us and endeavor to “shield” us from people who may not be vibrating at the same frequency as ourselves and thus the reason why one often hears someone say “For some unknown reason I became uncomfortable and left”.

“what you send out you get back”

The most common meaning of Karma to most of us however is “what you send out you get back”. In other words – “That which you do to another you do to yourself.” This is also the Law of Retribution. As a man soweth so shall he reap. I have always advocated that no good deed ever goes without being rewarded a millionfold. Unfortunately, the opposite is also true. The energy one puts into “fixing” someone up returns to them and upsets or takes away what they most treasure. That is Karma.

Since we have thousands of thoughts in a day, it is imperative that we learn to stop our thoughts. We can only always ever experience that which we think about or that which we fear or which we avoid. In other words, the ENERGY we put into something is what ensures it manifests. We should be very careful of the “emotion” we put into whatever it is. Put the wrong emotion and you manifest the wrong thing. Energies are now moving extremely fast so things are happening almost instantly after we think about them. Ever noted that those who constantly plan and plot on how to deceive others always end up having others deceive them? People who say they have no money because they are hiding it from one, always end up having no money, for the universe not only responds to their “words” but to their “fear” and the “feeling” of having no money. The deceiving thought was – say you have no money – who would have expected that to actually manifest and almost instantly?

Many complain about numerous aspects of their lives not realizing that the message they are sending out to the universe is always the same message and thus the reason why their lives and circumstances do not change. They create the same scenarios over and over in their lives. Einstein said, “Insanity is doing the same thing in the same way and expecting a different result.” Stay mindful that you are not “stuck”. Do introspection daily to ensure that progress. The key to happiness and peace is to constantly remain conscious. Become an observer of your own thoughts – stop the mind!

One has to live by desire and not by circumstance. If you allow the mind to run amok you will always operate from the premise of “damage control.” Control the unruly mind and recognize you are the master of your mind, you are not its slave!

The moment one changes one’s negative thoughts and actions, and flips them to the positive and the enthusiastic, the sooner one’s “life starts to happen”. We all seem to forget that we came into this universe for this experience, so why not live every moment with enthusiasm, passion, and joy? Something else we should remember is that we came into this physical space with nothing, we will leave with nothing, so why not leave love and happy memories in the thoughts of those whom we associated with?

If ever another embarrasses, humiliates, or degrades us in any manner, it is not for us to “fix them up”, for without us ever doing anything, the universe has a way of “educating them”, for everything in the universe is pre-programmed and a single action can have a hundred different repercussions. Now when someone says “My God what did I do to deserve this?” I silently observe in the realization that, since our lives have almost always happened by “accident”, it is normal that we at some stage may have done something which brought forth the consequences now at hand.

I have also come to realize, everything happens for a reason and there is no such thing as “luck” – we create situations to suit our needs at that time in that space depending on how mindful we are. I love the saying “Been there, done that, and been there a couple more times because apparently I never learn!” Once one has mastered something, the universe brings forth new experiences and permits us to move on and progress. Life is a constant university. It is easy to note when one is stuck, one keeps manifesting the same situations.

So the next time you are tempted to run down or hurt another realize and appreciate that karma works in amazing ways. Light the path for another so that you indirectly are lighting it for yourself. Help another so that you too will find a helping hand. Compliment another so that you too may be admired. A candle loses nothing by lighting another. You can never bluff the universe. You decide whether to feed the good wolf or the bad wolf within you. By what you get, you will awaken to which wolf you are feeding.

All the best on your journey to improving yourself.

I share because I care.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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