

Whether we are aware of it or not we make hundreds of choices in a day and we therefore either celebrate or suffer the consequences of our choices. If we are standing at a bus stop and we choose to pretend to be busy on our mobile phones and fail to look at the drivers of the vehicles passing by, the chances are we will definitely end up taking public transport for numerous drivers, like myself never interrupt someone if they are busy with their mobile phone. I have found people do this because they feel uncomfortable. Likewise, if you prefer to put on your earphones whilst walking, many of us will not hoot at you to attract your attention even if we know you for we respect your choice of enjoying your privacy.

First thing in the morning we decide on whether we will have a cup of coffee or we will simply just eat a cereal. We also decide on what underwear to adorn, which shoes, what outfits, etc. As certain of us drive to work, we even decide on what route to take, whether or not to allow someone into the flow of traffic or whether to become nasty and block their path because we “feel “we have the right of way.

All of the above examples will either give you the opportunity to step out of safety mode and enjoy the company of someone you have never met, learn something new and experience something different, or you end up having “just another day” depending upon your choice.

We cannot choose our lot in life, but we can certainly choose how we deal with our lot. Our spontaneous reaction as I have often stipulated denotes the sort of day we will have and also, informs others about what sort of a person we are. When I was growing up in Bremersdorp it was considered rude not to greet others as we met them along the way. Today many think you are being forward or you are flirting with them if you smile and greet them. Indeed many men think it is an opportunity for them to “get fresh” with one, especially if one is polite and considerate towards them. I can well understand their desire to suddenly want to become amorous for in this day and age one need only observe the expressions on many peoples’ faces to realize that without them even knowing it, they walk about with long faces with harsh expressions instead of relaxing the muscles on their faces thus reducing the chance of aging faster.

Realize and appreciate that we all draw energy from each other. It is also a choice on whether we will “pick up” on the energy of a hostile inconsiderate person or whether we will choose to acknowledge that that behaviour and attitude says nothing about one, but says everything about the person who has elected to be hostile.

I pray that on reading the above you have come to realize and accept that you constantly decide what you want to experience in your life. For example if you constantly go about talking about other people because you think it makes you feel great, running them down, do not feel offended when you hear rumours of how others are talking about you. Instead of running others down, if you want to know anything about one, ask them about it to their faces instead of posing questions to other people for when those people hear the questions even if they would have conceded to your request, they will immediately upon hearing you speak about another, want nothing to do with you resulting in you not obtaining the objective which drove you to speak to those people in the first instance. If you practice this sort of behaviour do not wonder why nobody ever wants to be around you and you feel alone.

Exercising your right to remain silent in uncomfortable situations says a great deal about one. So, the next time you elect to complain about be it your spouse, your helper etc. realize that in both those instances they were your choice. The more you say about them, the more you inform people of exactly who you are. Perhaps those people served you in the past, now that you have “out-grown” them instead of complaining realize you have choice on whether to keep them or distance yourself from them. Start creating your life “consciously”. 

I share because I care.

Thank you for stopping by to read my blog.

Love always, kisses, hugs

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